First keynote confirmed for Global Shippers Forum
The Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) have revealed the first keynote speaker for the Global Shippers Forum and ICHCA International Conference 2018 on 10–11 May 2018, to be held at the MEGATRANS2018 trade event at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre.
Ana Hinojosa, Director – Compliance and Trade Facilitation at the World Customs Organisation (WCO), will present on 10 May.
Ms. Hinojosa was elected Director of the World Customs Organisation’s Compliance and Trade Facilitation unit in January 2016, and previously was President of the Executive Women in Government organisation in the US, and Deputy Assistant Commissioner at US Customs and Border Protection.
This is the first time Ms. Hinojosa has been in Australia to meet the local customs broker and freight forwarder community. She will be presenting on existing and emerging trade facilitation projects and the future of global customs compliance.
Click here to register for the conference or to find out more.
Early-bird tickets are currently available for members of the following organisations:
Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA)
International Cargo Handling Coordination Association (ICHCA)
Container Transport Alliance of Australia (CTAA)
Australian Cotton Shippers Association (ACSA)
Australian International Movers Association (AIMA)
Australian Horticulture Association (AHEA)
Women’s International Shipping & Trade Association (WISTA)
Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA)