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Is your business industry 4.0 ready?

Is your business industry 4.0 ready?

Industry 4.0 is affecting almost every industry worldwide. Failing to shift to transformative technologies will leave your business behind. It’s more important than ever to learn the latest trends from live demonstrations of cutting-edge technology, that you can only exclusively experience at MEGATRANS2020.

You have the power to accelerate your business and prepare for the biggest industrial revolution of a generation. It’s time to explore new technologies and the best way to compare practices and services is by attending the largest supply chain and logistics conference in Australia.

What is industry 4.0?

Industry 4.0 uses transformative technologies to connect the physical world with the digital world. Current trends include advanced automation, machine-to-machine and human-to-machine communication, artificial intelligence and sensor technology.

It’s essential to understand the key drivers enabling these trends. Your priority should be emerging analytics and business-intelligence capabilities due to the rise in data volumes and connectivity. However, developing new forms of human-machine interaction and improving digital instructions through automation are also equally important. The need to enhance technological capabilities can be overwhelming and it’s hard to navigate through the bombardment of information that’s presented from sources online, which is why learning directly from trusted experts in the industry will be detrimental to enhancing your business.

Is Australia adopting Industry 4.0?

The short answer – yes! This shouldn’t be the first time you’re hearing about this technological evolution, but the truth is that there are a high number of Australian businesses that are unprepared for industry-led advancements. It’s in your hands to prepare your business to transition to the smart industries of the future.

In March 2017, Standards Australia released Industry 4.0: An Australian Perspective report. Three years on and the principles outlined in the Industry 4.0 report are still being implemented across all industrial sectors. Australia’s initiatives in Industry 4.0 stem from the Prime Minister’s Industry 4.0 Taskforce, created to support Australia’s transition to a new economy and connect the nation to the fourth industrial revolution.

Standards Australia said our nation can bring its unique perspective to the work from local use cases in sectors where Australia is a leader. Australia’s industry sectors of competitive strength and strategic priority include manufacturing, cyber security, oil, gas and energy resources, food and agribusiness, medical and mining equipment, technology and services (METS). MEGATRANS2020 is facilitating cross-industry collaboration in a multidimensional and integrated conference. To take initiative and be a leader in both the domestic and international market, now is our chance to be exposed to hands on business changing information at MEGATRANS2020.

How do I know I’m prepared for Industry 4.0?

Technology adoption is non-negotiable. If you’re questioning whether your business is prepared for the revolution, then that means it’s definitely not! Manufacturers can no longer take a ‘wait and see’ approach as they are met with the opportunities and challenges posed by the concept of Industry 4.0. The earlier your business invests in adopting technology advancements and start upskilling workers, the less painful the transition will be later. Major efficiency and productivity improvements will be a reality for your business, but are you ready to make it big by turning your operations into an intelligent enterprise, or will you choose to stay behind?

To be prepared and be industry 4.0 ready, the only ideal and most cost-effective way is attending MEGATRANS2020. This will be your only chance to network with operational decision makers in your industry, receive strategic management and accelerate in the market by discovering new technologies and innovations that will only be on showcase at this blockbuster event.

CLICK HERE to get your tickets now to be the most equipped business for Industry 4.0!