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TCA Tech Hub to promote telematics solutions at MEGATRANS2018

TCA Tech Hub to promote telematics solutions at MEGATRANS2018

A new survey has revealed that transport and logistics businesses are lagging in IT uptake but have ample opportunity to improve and develop.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics’ (ABS) Business Use of Information Technology and Innovation in Australian Business (2015-2016) report indicates that 31.9 per cent of businesses in the “Transport, Postal and Warehousing” sectors introduced IT innovation and 12.9 per cent were still in development.

Only 27.2 per cent of transport and logistics businesses placed orders via the internet whereas 21.6 per cent received orders.

Operational processes were 16.8 per cent whereas organisational and managerial processes were at 15 per cent.

Transport Certification Australia (TCA) is one such body aiming to promote uptake of the new technologies and systems available in this sector and showcase what Australia has to offer in this space.

As the nation’s governing body for the telematics community – providing assurance in the use of telematics and related intelligent technologies – TCA said it will host a unique ‘Telematics Hub’ on the exhibition floor of transport, logistics and supply chain event MEGATRANS2018.

With a focus on increasing productivity through intelligent multimodal transport solutions, the TCA Telematics Hub will showcase world-leading technology and demonstrate how Australia leads the way, the organisation explained.

TCA CEO Chris Koniditsiotis congratulated MEGATRANS2018 for highlighting the role of intelligent technologies, stating that the TCA “is proud to support MEGATRANS2018?.

“Through the development of new business models and markets, we can accelerate progress, promote innovation and best practice, and improve productivity outcomes,” said Mr. Koniditsiotis.

Spread across a 30,000m2 footprint, MEGATRANS2018 will distinguish between four distinct functional areas, including Logistics and Materials Handling, Warehouse & Storage, Infrastructure; Road Transport and Air, Sea & Rail.

A technology showcase will straddle the entire exhibition floor to reinforce the importance of technological trends such as Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, Intelligent Infrastructure and Intelligent Multimodal Transport Solutions.

TCA will take an active involvement in driving intelligent multimodal technology solutions across the integrated exhibition and conference format of MEGATRANS2018.

The TCA announcement comes on the back of the Victorian Government and National Transport Commission (NTC) throwing support behind the event, on top of significant support from industry organisations including the Australian Logistics Council (ALC), the Victorian Transport Association (VTA), and the Australian Road Transport Suppliers’ Association (ARTSA).